Futurewise Releases Seattle Health and Equity Assessment Report

June 27, 2016

Report examines trends which reveal inequities in the city 

SEATTLE (June 27, 2016) – Futurewise is pleased to release their City of Seattle Health and Equity Assessment, which is a data-based analysis of some of the most important determinants of equity and opportunity in Seattle. The report shows differences in access to economic, social and environmental benefits and assets based on location and community characteristics. While the City as a whole may be thriving, certain populations and certain neighborhoods do not enjoy the prosperity and opportunity of others.

“When we look at Seattle through the lens of health and equity, we are better able to address systemic land- use related and other resource access disparities,” says Christopher Wierzbicki, Interim Director of Futurewise. “As the City moves forward with a bold new comprehensive strategy for housing affordability and expanding investment in local and regional transportation systems, our analysis shows how important planning and prioritization of investments is needed to change the future of our city for the better and for all residents.”

The objective of the Health and Equity Assessment is to present information about the health and equity conditions in the City of Seattle and to provide priority policy recommendations to improve those conditions in the city. Health and equity is determined by many factors, including access to community assets like quality schools, parks, housing, health facilities and transit. Identifying these disparities will help set goals that will reduce or eliminate them, and help guide policy development, investments and programs to meet those goals.

In Seattle, for example, persons of color, low income households and English language learners are less likely to live close to a park or recreational facility than other Seattle residents and are also less likely to have easy access to healthy food. Additionally, there are wide disparities in educational attainment for different populations, significant housing cost burdens, and transportation modes.

About Futurewise
Futurewise is a non-profit organization that works throughout Washington State to create livable, equitable communities, protect our working farmlands, forests, and waterways, and ensure a better quality of life for present and future generations. We work with communities to implement effective land use planning and policies that prevent waste and stop sprawl, provide efficient transportation choices, create affordable housing and strong local businesses, and ensure healthy natural systems.

Christopher Wierzbicki
206.343.068 X122 (office)
206.769-6611 (cell)

Futurewise Releases Seattle Health and Equity Assessment Report

June 27, 2016

Report examines trends which reveal inequities in the city 

SEATTLE (June 27, 2016) – Futurewise is pleased to release their City of Seattle Health and Equity Assessment, which is a data-based analysis of some of the most important determinants of equity and opportunity in Seattle. The report shows differences in access to economic, social and environmental benefits and assets based on location and community characteristics. While the City as a whole may be thriving, certain populations and certain neighborhoods do not enjoy the prosperity and opportunity of others.

“When we look at Seattle through the lens of health and equity, we are better able to address systemic land- use related and other resource access disparities,” says Christopher Wierzbicki, Interim Director of Futurewise. “As the City moves forward with a bold new comprehensive strategy for housing affordability and expanding investment in local and regional transportation systems, our analysis shows how important planning and prioritization of investments is needed to change the future of our city for the better and for all residents.”

The objective of the Health and Equity Assessment is to present information about the health and equity conditions in the City of Seattle and to provide priority policy recommendations to improve those conditions in the city. Health and equity is determined by many factors, including access to community assets like quality schools, parks, housing, health facilities and transit. Identifying these disparities will help set goals that will reduce or eliminate them, and help guide policy development, investments and programs to meet those goals.

In Seattle, for example, persons of color, low income households and English language learners are less likely to live close to a park or recreational facility than other Seattle residents and are also less likely to have easy access to healthy food. Additionally, there are wide disparities in educational attainment for different populations, significant housing cost burdens, and transportation modes.

About Futurewise
Futurewise is a non-profit organization that works throughout Washington State to create livable, equitable communities, protect our working farmlands, forests, and waterways, and ensure a better quality of life for present and future generations. We work with communities to implement effective land use planning and policies that prevent waste and stop sprawl, provide efficient transportation choices, create affordable housing and strong local businesses, and ensure healthy natural systems.

Christopher Wierzbicki
206.343.068 X122 (office)
206.769-6611 (cell)