Week of January 20 Legislative Update
We did it– we made it through the first week of the legislative session! The first week is all about brushing off the dust and getting back into the swing of things with opening ceremonies and first hearings for bills. As we move into the second week we can expect things to pick up a bit more with new bills dropping, more hearings scheduled, and committees starting to vote on bills.
That means we’ve got a new slate of actions for you! Most bills have “companion bills,” bills that are similar or identical in the opposite chamber. These bills help introduce the issue to both chambers at the same time and improves the chances the bill will progress untouched by opposition’s amendments. So even if you’ve signed in for a bill, you will have to sign in several more times as it and its companion moves through committees. But your consistent support all the way through the end of April is what has made us successful in years past, so make sure to tune in each week. Don’t worry, we’ll make it easy to follow along and take the most important actions.
Another flag for you, this is the last week to sign up for lobby day! The deadline to register is this Wednesday, Jan. 22. You can read more below and on the RSVP page here, but don’t miss out on this big day.
Lastly, brace yourself for incoming garden puns for the rest of session… they’re sprouting from a combination of January being the time of year I start planning my garden to help combat the gloom of a Seattle winter, and Ava, the campaign intern, saying that the bills we’re working on are the “seeds to our future.” What better way to embrace the spirit of Growing Together than with a few healthy plant jokes? |