
Find Futurewise’s reports, comment letters, interactive maps, and press releases about our work.

Press Releases

Budget Proviso for Climate Planning Joins Clean Fuels Standard, Cap & Trade as Washington Leads Nation in Climate Legislation

2021 was a big year for climate legislation in Washington, as a budget proviso to lay the groundwork for climate planning in comprehensive plan updates, joins passage of the clean fuels standard and cap and trade in landmark climate legislation.

Press Release: King County Adult Beverage Ordinance Invalidated by Growth Management Hearings Board

The Growth Management Hearings Board unanimously ruled that King County violated the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the Growth Management Act (GMA) when it adopted a broad array of zoning and other land use regulatory changes known as the … Continue reading

Washington State Senate Passes SB 5042 to close the Growth Management Act Sprawl Loophole

SB 5042 is a bill to close a loophole in the Growth Management Act that currently allows for growth in rural landscapes that does not comply with the GMA. The loophole undermines the intent of the GMA by allowing counties … Continue reading


HB 1923 Options

GreenLink Bellingham

Final report from the GreenLink Bellingham pilot project, which seeks to identify best “bang for your buck” green infrastructure projects through mapping and analysis of current social and environmental conditions in Bellingham, WA.

Seattle Health and Equity Assessment

While the City as a whole may be thriving, certain populations and certain neighborhoods do not enjoy the prosperity and opportunity of others. Read our report to learn about differing access to things like jobs, housing, transportation, food, health services, … Continue reading

Comment Letters

Futurewise Comment Letter on Pasco Urban Growth Area and Comp Plan 4-21

Futurewise has been engaged in the Pasco UGA expansion and comprehensive plan for a couple of years and we have raised issues about the expansion into agricultural lands. We are asking the City of Pasco to not expand into valuable … Continue reading

January 30, 2024

Futurewise Comment Letter Franklin County Comprehensive Plan 5/28/21

January 30, 2024

Futurewise comments on the DRAFT Racially Disparate Impacts Guidance

January 30, 2024

Press Coverage

Washington state Democrats are tackling the housing crisis

“In this episode, Washington State House Rep. Jessica Bateman talks about championing an ambitious and successful bill that aims to increase housing density in Washington, and the politics of housing in general.”