A Letter from Our Executive Director, Chris Wierzbicki

To our supporters,

Nearly every day I think about the future we’re building for children like my two sons, ages 6 and 8. This past year was particularly difficult, as we faced unprecedented challenges at the federal level for ensuring safe and stable communities and protecting the natural environment. And yet when I look back on what we accomplished here in Washington, I’m filled with hope for the future. For almost three decades, Futurewise has worked to ensure sustainable, equitable growth across Washington State and this past year saw wins on many fronts.

Give today to help us take on new challenges

When Futurewise first came together in 1990, our major challenge was ensuring that farms, forests and waterways were protected from the negative impacts of development. Yet while we continue to fight on that front, urban growth has brought another set of challenges: low-income and under-represented communities often bear the burdens of growth, while wealthier communities reap the benefits. What’s more, these disparities are perpetuated when members of under-represented communities are excluded from decision-making processes.

As a key player statewide on growth management issues, we at Futurewise believe we have a role and responsibility in correcting these historical inequities. That’s why in 2019, we’re continuing to dive deep into new projects and partnerships with communities who are ready with solutions, but often lack the funding they need to make a difference on issues related to the environment, growth and equity.

What we can accomplish together

Advance Inclusive Urban Planning: County planning processes can be inaccessible and opaque, yet the resulting plans impact thousands of residents. We’re partnering with local groups in King County’s Skyway-West Hill community to ensure that the voices of under-represented residents can influence the county’s planning for housing and transit accessibility.

With your supportwe can expand a Skyway-West Hill community youth cohort who will learn how policy impacts their built environment.

Build Diverse Coalitions for Community Empowerment: In the Tri-Cities, a group of local leaders are considering a plan to “reconvey” federally owned Columbia River property to local governments – a plan that could expose thousands of acres of public shoreline to private development. We have convened a coalition of environmentalists, tribes and Latino community leaders to push for more community education and engagement on the reconveyance plan.

With your supportwe can broaden the coalition to include other powerful voices to speak up for how natural shorelines benefit wildlife and community.

Prioritize updates to the Growth Management Act: Futurewise is working to influence the state-wide Road Map for Washington’s Future project that aims to update the GMA for the next 30 years.  It’s critical that updates to the GMA address climate change and affordable housing for all as well as increase opportunities for under-served residents to access the levers of power in their communities.

With your supportwe can engage more legislators and decision-makers who have the power to expand the GMA to address these pressing challenges.

We’re all better served when solutions are developed by those who are directly impacted by growth management policy when they seek a place to live, a means of getting to work or a brighter future for their family. Our work in 2019 is anchored by new community partnerships that elevate those voices and experiences to shape policy and influence decision makers and we need your help to do it. Please give generously to support an equitable future for all in Washington.


Christopher Wierzbicki, PE
Executive Director

Category Archives: News

A Letter from Our Executive Director, Chris Wierzbicki

To our supporters, Nearly every day I think about the future we’re building for children like my two sons, ages 6 and 8. This past year was particularly difficult, as we faced unprecedented challenges at the federal level for ensuring … Continue reading

Celebrating Our Accomplishments in 2018

In 2018, Futurewise continued our work across Washington to advance livable communities while protecting our state’s most valuable natural resources. Here’s just a few of our top victories from the past year:   Mobilized Action for Affordable Housing in Seattle … Continue reading

Join Our Team!

Futurewise is hiring for two positions — a Water Resources Project Coordinator and an Events and Communications Intern. Check out the job descriptions below for more information. Water Resources Project Coordinator Events and Communications Intern

Futurewise convenes local leaders around innovative financing

This October, Futurewise brought together state and local agency stakeholders for a day-long convening focused on the use of innovative financing and funding approaches for solving environmental challenges.  Field experts from across the county – from Maryland, to Chicago to … Continue reading

Convening to finance the environment we want – and need

This October, Futurewise will be hosting a convening on innovative financing tools such as pay for success, credit trading, environmental impact bonds, and community-based public private partnerships – with the hopes of inspiring local governments and agencies to start thinking … Continue reading

Using Surplus Properties for Affordable Housing

Many of our communities publicly owned land that is no longer a necessity; with our State’s desperate need for more affordable housing, it makes sense for jurisdictions to sell that excess land to below market rate for the production of … Continue reading

Pierce County Council Votes to Double Protected Working Farms

On August 14, 2018, the Pierce County Council voted to double amount of working farmland county policy will conserve long-term. The recent Pierce County Fresh Look report concluded that “[t]here’s near-consensus support for protecting Pierce County’s best farmland and sustaining the economic … Continue reading

A DAM Good Time!

Wow, what a great night! We were thrilled to see over 100 people turn out to learn about Woody Guthrie and the Grand Coulee Dam, and listen to music from local artists Trentalange, Matt Tilghman-Havens, and Naomi Wachira. Greg Vandy, … Continue reading

Could High Speed Rail Come to Washington?

Futurewise is serving on the Advisory Committee for the Ultra High-Speed Ground Transportation Study – a WSDOT effort to investigate  intercity passenger transportation system traveling at speeds of 250 mph or more between Vancouver, BC and Portland, OR (with several … Continue reading

Futurewise Recommends Changes to Riparian Ecoystem Management

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife is updating their recommendations for scientifically sound management of riparian ecosystems (rivers, streams and surrounding areas). Futurewise largely supports these changes and the attached comment letter outlines our suggestions for improving them … Continue reading