Week of March 12 Legislative Update

I want to start off by saying thank you. Because of your continual action, all our bills are alive and passed the March 8th cutoff! This is a monumental victory! We can dive in more later. As has been the theme the entire session, things are happening fast! Our three bills already have new hearings this week, which means we have actions for you to take. Check it out:

A Grand Cutoff Victory!

We are ecstatic to announce the three bills we have been championing received and passed their respective floor vote!! We cannot underestimate the huge success and rarity this is. Here are the final count:

  • HB 1110, our Middle Housing bill, passed the House with a 75 – 21 vote
  • HB 1181, our GMA Climate bill, passed the House with a 57 – 41 vote
  • SB 5466, our Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) bill, passed the Senate with a 40 – 8 vote

We surpassed our goal of 1000 individuals taking action during this floor vote frenzy, with over 4500 emails sent! We want to thank specifically the Washington Conservation Action, Sierra Club, Habitat for Humanity SKC, Our Climate, The Nature Conservancy, Audubon, and more. Again, we mean it when we say this is a collective effort so thank you.

Sign in PRO for our Three Bills

As has been the consistent theme, session never stops! Kicking off the second half of session, we have three hearings this week!

We’re aiming high again by having our goal of 1000 PRO sign-ins. Help us hit our goal by signing in PRO today!

Sign Up for Your Local Organizing Meeting

We know that to see these bills across the finish line, we need to get even more people engaged and organized than before. That’s why we’re hosting several regional organizing meetings in the next few weeks to build our base of supporters. Join us to meet your neighbors, and find out how you can take collective action for our future! Sign up today at the link below to find your local organizing meeting.

The Frenzy is almost over! Thank you so much for your continued support.

Category Archives: News

Week of March 12 Legislative Update

I want to start off by saying thank you. Because of your continual action, all our bills are alive and passed the March 8th cutoff! This is a monumental victory! We can dive in more later. As has been the … Continue reading

The Fight For Our Future Continues

We are now in the second half of the 2023 legislative session! Last Wednesday, March 8th, was the last day for bills to get a floor vote in their respective chamber and to be voted out. It is a critical … Continue reading

Week of March 5 Legislative Update

We are truly in the Floor Vote Frenzy. Things are happening fast! Votes can happen at any minute, lasting for hours, and as of writing this, we are still pushing to get our bills past the March 8th cut off. … Continue reading

Week of February 26 Legislative Update

We got some great news this week! Our bills are in a good position before the first major cutoff that is coming up. We are now in the Floor Vote Frenzy! We have just a few actions for you — … Continue reading

For Our Future Lobby Day Recap 2023

On Wednesday, February 8, Futurewise made their way to Olympia for the For Our Future lobby day! Thank you to all our volunteers who joined us! It was exciting to be in the thick of things in Olympia, making sure our lawmakers … Continue reading

Week of February 19 Legislative Update

Thanks to all of you for the work you’ve done so far! We are feeling good about where we are because of you. This week, we’ve been preparing for our first major cutoff that is coming up soon! We have … Continue reading

Week of February 12 Legislative Update

What a week! From a successful lobby day to some big milestones, we are feeling good. However, the countdown is on! We’re just a few weeks away from the deadline to pass our priority bills out of their house of … Continue reading

Week of February 5 Legislative Update

Can you believe we are already in February? Session is going by fast for us here, and this upcoming week is going to be action packed! Check it out: Vote YES for HB 1110 Our Middle Housing bill, HB 1110, … Continue reading

Notes from the Executive Director – January 2023

Screenshot of a tweet our Racial Equity Committee Chair, Sarah Myhre, posted of her dog during our 2022 Board Retreat. Y’all. This is Flash in a @FuturewiseWA board meeting. She is a housing, land use, climate, energy, equity, and justice dog support … Continue reading

Week of January 30 Legislative Update

Another Sunday is here, and that means another set of actions! We have good momentum going thanks to you and all the actions you’ve taken, so thank you! Let’s keep it up; here is what is coming up this week! … Continue reading