Week of January 23 Legislative Update

4,306 people signed-in PRO for HB 1181, SB 5203, & HB 1110

What a week it has been for us and we’re only entering week 3 of the legislative session! 😅 First off, We just want to say a big THANK YOU for showing up this week. We had three hearings on the same day and we showed up and showed out! With 1,303 & 1,218 PRO sign-ins for our climate bills HB 1181/SB 5203, and 1,785 PRO sign-ins for our housing bill, we sent a clear message to our representatives. Thank you!

What’s Next:


After a successful first hearing in the House Local Government Committee, now it’s time to make sure HB 1181 keeps moving. We need you to tell the Committee members to vote YES on HB 1811!


The Senate Middle Housing bill, SB 5190, has a hearing this Wednesday, January 25. We need you to sign in PRO. We hit over 1000 PRO sign-ins for the house, now let’s do it again for the senate!

Sign in PRO for middle housing (Senate hearing SB 5190)

Remember: Do not select an organization when signing in.

There’s also 2 rent stabilization bills, HB 1388 and HB 1389, that have hearings this Tuesday, January 24. We support these bills and need you to sign in PRO. These two bills are part of a comprehensive approach to address our housing crisis. Join Futurewise in supporting them!

Sign in PRO for rent stabilization (HB 1388)

Sign in PRO for rent stabilization (HB 1389)

See y’all next week!

Category Archives: News

Week of January 23 Legislative Update

4,306 people signed-in PRO for HB 1181, SB 5203, & HB 1110 What a week it has been for us and we’re only entering week 3 of the legislative session! 😅 First off, We just want to say a big … Continue reading

Week of January 15 Legislative Update

An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Our first week is done which means it is time for our first action alert of the 2023 legislative session! We have a very big day next Tuesday, January 17th, with three hearings scheduled on the same … Continue reading

Week of January 8 Legislative Update

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Notes from the Executive Director – December 2022

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Futurewise Celebrates the Affordable Housing Design Review Exemption in Seattle

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For Our Future: Week of Action (Dec 2022)

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Black Lives Matter Solidarity Follow-Up

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Futurewise 2023 Legislative Campaign Kick-Off Recap!

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Meet Marcella – Futurewise Staff Spotlight

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Notes from the Executive Director – September 2022

Photo of Spokane. Photo Credit: Timothy Eberly Another month has come and gone, and as someone who loves data, I always looked forward to regularly scheduled data releases in August and September. For many years, these new data releases were … Continue reading