Week of February 22nd: Legislative Update

Week 7 Legislative Update: Halfway there

We’re officially in the second half of this year’s legislative session and I’m very happy to share that all three of our priority bills (HB 1099SB 5042 and HB 1769) are all still alive and kicking after this week’s cutoff date. Wahoo!

Here’s what we can expect for the second half of the legislative session

Our top priority right now is getting all three of our bills out of committee and to Senate or House floor for a vote. Overall, we’re feeling fairly confident that we have the votes to pass these bills. But with so many bills to hear and pass in just a few short weeks, we run into the danger that opponents of this legislation will just run down the clock until time has run out for a vote.

We can’t let that happen.

Keep Our Bills Moving

The best way to ensure that these bills pass is to make sure that legislators are hearing a constant drumbeat from people like you that we need to pass these bills NOW. We’ve got key actions this week for each of our bills to make your voice heard. Plus join us for a text bank this Wednesday to keep building our momentum. Read on for how to plug in!

HB 1099 – Adding Climate to the GMA

Our landmark bill to add a climate element to the Growth Management Act has momentum – it’s already headed to the Senate Ways and Means Committee. This bill is facing the most opposition, so it’s critical to make your voice heard: pass climate in the GMA now!

ACTION: Contact the Ways and Means Committee and ask them to vote YES on HB1099

SB 5042 – Closing the GMA Sprawl Loophole

Our legislation to close a nasty loophole in the GMA that allows unnecessary sprawl had its first hearing the House Environment and Energy committee last week, and was voted out of committee this morning. Now, we turn our focus to the entire House as we wait for SB5042 to be pulled from the House Rules Committee for a floor vote.

ACTION: Ask your Representatives to vote YES on SB5042.

HB 1769 – Sunsetting Municipal Corporations

Our final priority bill would end the veto power of municipal corporations over local housing policy. We’re thrilled to share that this bill passed out of the House last week with bipartisan support. This morning, it had its first hearing in the Senate Housing and Local Government Committee- stay tuned for more advocacy actions to come!

Join us Wednesday for a Text Bank!

Already finished emailing your legislators and signing in “Pro” at the committee hearing? Here’s our last ask for the week.

On Wednesday, we’re partnering with the Sierra Club and the Washington Environmental Council for a virtual text bank to advocate for policies that will address the climate crisis and protect our forests and farms from sprawling development.

Join us from 4:30-6 on Wednesday, February 23rd!

Register Here!

Together, we’re creating a brighter future for Washington communities. As we enter the back half of the session, let’s keep up the great work to see these bills all the way to the finish line.

Category Archives: News

Week of February 22nd: Legislative Update

Week 7 Legislative Update: Halfway there We’re officially in the second half of this year’s legislative session and I’m very happy to share that all three of our priority bills (HB 1099, SB 5042 and HB 1769) are all still alive and kicking … Continue reading

Week of February 14th: Legislative Update

Image of livable, inclusive community titled Legislative Update Love is in the air – that is, love for our climate, our farms and our future! We’re quickly approaching the cut off date for bills to pass out of their house … Continue reading

HB1782: Missing Middle Housing Update and Advocacy

Image 1: Duplex in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. Image 2: Map of Seattle lots that are currently zoned single family and are near frequent transit. Yellow denotes the lots that are larger than 4,500 square feet and red denotes the lots … Continue reading

Week of February 7th: Legislative Update

Image of livable, inclusive community titled Legislative Update We’re reaching the halfway point of the 2022 legislative session, which is why I’m so pleased to share that we’re ahead of schedule to add climate to the GMA and close the GMA sprawl … Continue reading

Week of January 31st: Legislative Update

Image of livable, inclusive community titled Legislative Update We’ve got a pretty short update this week and here’s why: another one of our priority bills, SB 5042, passed out of the Senate! 🎉🎉🎉 SB 5042 is our bill to close a nasty loophole … Continue reading

Week of January 24th: Legislative Update

It’s official: HB 1099, our climate update to the GMA, officially passed out of the House of Representatives! Let’s take a moment to celebrate. 🎉🎉🎉So what happens now? In the short term, we get a bit of a breather. HB 1099 now … Continue reading

2022 WA Can’t Wait: Op-Eds and Articles

Here is our most up-to-date list of articles and op-eds written about our 2022 WA Can’t Wait Campaign: Articles The Bellingham Herald Crosscut The Urbanist The Bellingham Herald The Seattle Times The Urbanist The Urbanist The Washington Observer Op-Eds and … Continue reading

Week of January 17th: Legislative Update

The Washington state legislature convened this week for the start of the 2022 legislative session. As a reminder, the 2022 session is what’s called a “short” session, meaning we have just 60 days to pass our priority legislation. Things are … Continue reading

Week of January 10th Legislative Update

Today marks the first day of the 2022 legislative session and Futurewise is here to win. We’re here to finish what we started in 2021, as well as highlight some new priorities for you to follow. It’s a short session … Continue reading

Week of January 10th Legislative Update

mage of diverse walkable and bikeable community with text reading Legislative Update Today marks the first day of the 2022 legislative session and Futurewise is here to win. We’re here to finish what we started in 2021, as well as … Continue reading