Growing Together Lobby Day Recap

On Wednesday, February 5, Futurewise headed to Olympia for our Growing Together 2025 Lobby Day! Despite the surprise snowfall, it was an action-packed day filled with advocacy and organizing. Read on for the full recap and ways to get involved!

Washington weather threw us a curveball with snow on our Lobby Day, but we kicked off in the late morning with coffee, snacks, and a rush to our first meetings. While some of our team couldn’t make it due to the weather, we still set a Futurewise record—meeting with 41 legislative offices throughout the day!


Parnian Karimi walks to the Legislative Building for her next lobby meeting.

In these meetings, we shared our Growing Together priorities: supporting rent stabilization, transit-oriented development, and rural housing solutions. More importantly, it was our chance to tell personal stories about why these issues matter to us and our communities. Legislators hear a lot of facts and policy details, but it’s up to us to remind them of the real people they represent—and the real impact their decisions have.

Antonia Greico, a resident of the 43rd Legislative District, shared her experience in support of transit-oriented development: 

“When I first moved to Washington I had just sold my car and really didn’t want to have to buy another one, so I sought out neighborhoods that were well connected by transit. It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made. I’m able to take transit everywhere I need to go, even up to rural parts of Snohomish County to visit family.” 

Stories like Antonia’s show our decision makers why it’s so important to prioritize Growing Together.

A Futurewise lobby team meets with Representative Osman Salahuddin (D – 48 LD).

As the day wrapped up, we made sure our presence was felt by calling every legislator’s office we didn’t get to meet with, ensuring they knew we were in Olympia and advocating for change.

Overall, Lobby Day was a huge success! It was a powerful reminder that if we want to win, keep our elected officials engaged, and secure real progress for our communities, we need to keep showing up.

Ava Foley, Campaign intern (left) and Philip VanDevanter, Futurewise volunteer, call legislative offices.

Chloe Gradin, a first-time Lobby Day attendee, reflected on her experience:

“I loved getting to participate in Lobby Day. Meeting with representatives from my own district and telling my story helped me see them as more than just a name on a ballot—it showed me that they’re real people who care enough to listen to us as constituents. It was also a great way to get involved in issues that matter to me and my community beyond just calling and emailing.”

We’re grateful for everyone that attended and helped make the day a success! If you want to get involved in the legislative Growing Together campaign, you can sign up for updates or email Marcella at [email protected].

Growing Together Lobby Day Recap

On Wednesday, February 5, Futurewise headed to Olympia for our Growing Together 2025 Lobby Day! Despite the surprise snowfall, it was an action-packed day filled with advocacy and organizing. Read on for the full recap and ways to get involved!

Washington weather threw us a curveball with snow on our Lobby Day, but we kicked off in the late morning with coffee, snacks, and a rush to our first meetings. While some of our team couldn’t make it due to the weather, we still set a Futurewise record—meeting with 41 legislative offices throughout the day!


Parnian Karimi walks to the Legislative Building for her next lobby meeting.

In these meetings, we shared our Growing Together priorities: supporting rent stabilization, transit-oriented development, and rural housing solutions. More importantly, it was our chance to tell personal stories about why these issues matter to us and our communities. Legislators hear a lot of facts and policy details, but it’s up to us to remind them of the real people they represent—and the real impact their decisions have.

Antonia Greico, a resident of the 43rd Legislative District, shared her experience in support of transit-oriented development: 

“When I first moved to Washington I had just sold my car and really didn’t want to have to buy another one, so I sought out neighborhoods that were well connected by transit. It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made. I’m able to take transit everywhere I need to go, even up to rural parts of Snohomish County to visit family.” 

Stories like Antonia’s show our decision makers why it’s so important to prioritize Growing Together.

A Futurewise lobby team meets with Representative Osman Salahuddin (D – 48 LD).

As the day wrapped up, we made sure our presence was felt by calling every legislator’s office we didn’t get to meet with, ensuring they knew we were in Olympia and advocating for change.

Overall, Lobby Day was a huge success! It was a powerful reminder that if we want to win, keep our elected officials engaged, and secure real progress for our communities, we need to keep showing up.

Ava Foley, Campaign intern (left) and Philip VanDevanter, Futurewise volunteer, call legislative offices.

Chloe Gradin, a first-time Lobby Day attendee, reflected on her experience:

“I loved getting to participate in Lobby Day. Meeting with representatives from my own district and telling my story helped me see them as more than just a name on a ballot—it showed me that they’re real people who care enough to listen to us as constituents. It was also a great way to get involved in issues that matter to me and my community beyond just calling and emailing.”

We’re grateful for everyone that attended and helped make the day a success! If you want to get involved in the legislative Growing Together campaign, you can sign up for updates or email Marcella at [email protected].

Futurewise Appeals Mercer Island Comprehensive Plan

  Futurewise, along with local Mercer Island residents Kian Bradley and Trevor Reed has filed an appeal with the Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) of the Mercer Island comprehensive plan. Our case contends that the plan violates state law by … Continue reading

Kate Brunette
February 24, 2025

Growing Together Lobby Day Recap

On Wednesday, February 5, Futurewise headed to Olympia for our Growing Together 2025 Lobby Day! Despite the surprise snowfall, it was an action-packed day filled with advocacy and organizing. Read on for the full recap and ways to get involved! … Continue reading

Marcella Buser
February 11, 2025