Week of February 1st: Legislative Update

Welcome to our weekly legislative update. The session continues to move along at an often unpredictable pace, and we will continue to do our best to keep you informed on where our priority legislation sits in the process.

Quick Bill Status Update

HB 1099 (GMA Climate Bill) – Passed out of the House Environment and Energy Committee on Friday, January 29th, and has been referred to the Appropriations Committee.

HB 1220 (GMA Housing Bill) – Committee hearing on Wednesday, January 27th. We hope to see this bill pass out of committee within a few weeks.

SB 5042 (GMA Vesting Bill) – Committee hearing on January 12th. Moved to the Senate Rules Committee on January 29th.

In collaboration with Front & Centered, we have decided to incorporate our environmental justice bill language into our climate bill and housing bills. Our hope is that focusing our lobbying and organizing efforts on these two bills will increase our chance of passage. Thank you to Front & Centered in partnering with us over the last few months to find ways to integrate environmental justice into the GMA!

GMA Vesting Bill Spotlight

Our Futurewise old-timers may remember the first time our GMA vesting bill was introduced…way back in 2008. That’s over a decade ago! For years, we’ve introduced a bill to close the GMA vesting loophole that allows counties to develop annexed land even if the annexation was later overturned by the Growth Management Hearings Board. But each year, that bill has languished in committee.

This year, we’re excited to have the support of Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig, who is a co-sponsor of SB 5042, along with Sen. Jesse Salomon. We secured a committee hearing on the bill our very first week of session and the bill is already on the move to the Senate Rules Committee. We’re hoping to move this bill quickly out of the Senate and through the House. Stay tuned for how you can help!

Op-Ed Highlight Reel

We are bowled over with excitement each time we see a new op-ed published by a Futurewise supporter across the state. Since launching our Washington Can’t Wait legislative agenda, we’ve had 12 op-eds or letters to the editor published. Here are three new ones from the last month:

· Pierce County sprawl causes too much time in cars, buses. State can fix this. – Kirk Kirkland, The News Tribune

· State, county can’t wait for climate change action – Kristin Kelly and Kate Lunceford, The Everett Herald

· Seattle Desperately Needs the GMA to Promote Affordable Housing – Emma Banks, The Urbanist

Category Archives: Legislative

Week of February 1st: Legislative Update

Welcome to our weekly legislative update. The session continues to move along at an often unpredictable pace, and we will continue to do our best to keep you informed on where our priority legislation sits in the process. Quick Bill … Continue reading

Week of Jan 11: Legislative Session Update

Welcome to our first legislative update for the Washington Can’t Wait Campaign and Futurewise’s other legislative priorities! Stay tuned for a new post every Monday to get information on our priorities as our various bills move through the legislature and any relevant calls to action that … Continue reading

Week of January 25th: Legislative Update

Welcome to our third week of session! Our first order of business is to give a big virtual round of applause to the 271 people who signed in “pro” or provided written testimony for our first committee hearing for HB 1099. We … Continue reading

Week of January 18th: Legislative Update

Session is officially in swing! Here at Futurewise, we’re keeping all our supporters in the loop about top land-use priorities, as well as other important legislation that we think you should know about. Let’s kick off with a big thank you … Continue reading

Sign Our Petition: Tell your Legislators that Washington Can’t Wait

If there is anything that the wildfires this summer have taught us, it is that climate change has arrived at our doorstep in Washington and we are running out of time to take substantive action on an issue that is having … Continue reading

Week 3/2 Legislative Update

The Story Behind HB 2427, the GMA Climate Goal Bill At Futurewise, we believe that local government planning needs to more directly address climate change. We need planning that helps us reduce emissions, especially from transportation, and we need planning … Continue reading

Week 2/24 Legislative Update

Last week we were thrilled to share that the Washington State House of Representatives is leading on climate by passing HB 2427, a new bill that would add a climate goal to the GMA and require our state’s largest counties … Continue reading

Week 2/18 Legislative Update

On 30th Anniversary of Growth Management Act, Washington State Could Become One of the First to Require Local Planning for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation On Sunday, February 16, the Washington State House passed HB 2427 which would add a climate change … Continue reading

Week 2/2 Legislative Update

We are now 3 weeks into this year’s short legislative session. At this point, most of the bills we are tracking have gotten a hearing and we are a week away from crucial decisions about which bills make it out … Continue reading

2020 Legislative Agenda

The 2020 legislative session kicked off on Monday! We have a short session — just 60 days — to accomplish some big goals. Below we’re sharing our top priorities along with some bills to watch. Land Use/GMA Goal – State and … Continue reading