Notes from the Executive Director – August 2022

After 2+ years of pandemic and zoom meetings, this summer has been a great opportunity to travel around the state and visit local partners and supporters to experience the issues we are working on firsthand. From Port Angeles to Okanogan County, I’m grateful to all the wonderful folks that have hosted and guided me on my recent visits and I’m looking forward to more this fall.

Okanogan County

Futurewise is appealing Okanogan County’s comprehensive plan to make sure everyone has enough water and to protect fish, wildlife, farms, and the unique beauty of this part of the state. A big thanks for a tour of local land use issues from our partners at the Methow Valley Citizens Council, a thought provoking conversation about small town economic development at Twispworks with Twisp Mayor Soo Ing-Moody and a night on the ranch in the Tunk Valley with local advocates Nancy and Jim, one of the few remaining habitats for the sharp-tailed grouse that does this amazing dance.

Grays Harbor County

In Grays Harbor County, we are appealing the county’s shoreline master program in a landmark case that could set new precedents for sea level rise planning. Again, a big thanks to Anne, Richard, Linda and RD and the Friends of Grays Harbor for being my local guides and sharing what they love about this unique coastal community and the threats that sea levels rise poses for local residents and wildlife habitat. These challenges are already here with king tides crashing over the Westport sea wall and flooding the center of town earlier this year.

Port Angeles

In Port Angeles, we are working closely with the city on Greenlink, an integrated watershed planning effort to celebrate and restore the creeks that run through the city and connect Olympic National Park with the Strait of Juan de Fuca. These urban habitat corridors present an opportunity to improve fish and wildlife habitat, while also being a boon for local recreation and economic development. Our local staff, Susannah and Nicole, arranged a tour of Valley Creek and a chance to meet with City Councilmember Schromen-Wawrin and staff from Senator Van de Wege’s office.

These travel expeditions serve to remind me of the work we are doing here at Futurewise, and the collaborative efforts it requires to get it done. I am also reminded how all of this is possible due to support from donors and readers across the state. I hope everyone is able to rest and enjoy the last bit of summer this Labor Day weekend, and I look forward to providing updates again soon.

Alex Brennan

Category Archives: News

Notes from the Executive Director – August 2022

After 2+ years of pandemic and zoom meetings, this summer has been a great opportunity to travel around the state and visit local partners and supporters to experience the issues we are working on firsthand. From Port Angeles to Okanogan … Continue reading

Seattle’s Plan For The Next 20 Years, and What Futurewise Thinks Must Be Considered

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Futurewise to Appeal Snohomish County Rural ADU Expansion

Updated June 2023: Victory before the Growth Management Hearings Board! The Growth Management Hearings Board concluded that Snohomish County’s new ADU regulations violated the Growth Management Act regulations for conserving agricultural lands and the requirement to comply with the countywide planning … Continue reading

WA Can’t Wait 2022 Legislative Session Wrap-Up

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Housing Power Hour with Jerusalem Demsas

Futurewise is excited to host Jerusalem Demsas and Heidi Groover for a Housing Power Hour in a few weeks! Join us on Tuesday, April 5th at 5 PM for a debrief on the 2022 legislative session and a preview of what’s next for housing and … Continue reading

Final 2022 Legislative Update

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Week of March 7th: Legislative Update

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Electeds, tribes, unions, organizations and individuals ask WA Leg to Fix HB1099

HB 1099 is built on consensus supported by housing advocates, environmental justice groups, unions, local governments, state agencies, tribes, and more. We have collaborated for a year and a half on this legislation for a shared vision of responsible, just, … Continue reading

Goodbye Farmland, Hello Mega-Mansions

The vesting loophole in Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA) results in failure to prevent the development of suburban sprawl. (Credit: Robert Couse-Baker) This article was originally published in The Urbanist How a major loophole in the Growth Management Act has … Continue reading

Week of February 28th: Legislative Update

Image of livable, inclusive community titled Legislative Update Week 8 Legislative Update: Down to the wire We are in the final stretch. Within days, our priority legislation will be up for votes on the Senate and House floors. By Friday, … Continue reading