We Need You! Volunteer with the Washington Can’t Wait Campaign

If there is anything that the wildfires this summer have taught is, it is that climate change has arrived at our doorstep in Washington and we are running out of time to take substantive action. 

We believe that by making our urban areas affordable and accessible to all through bold affordable housing policy, preventing disproportionate impacts of local pollution on communities of color, and ensuring that cities and counties are planning for climate change, we have the opportunity to transform the lives of Washingtonians and the natural environment around us.

So, we are building a grass-roots campaign to pressure Washington’s legislature to pass major changes to the Washington Growth Management Act that would address climate change, housing affordability and environmental justice. 

We have a brief window to make big changes to the GMA before Washington’s cities and counties embark on their next comprehensive plan updates, which will lock in policy for the next decade. 

It is no exaggeration when we say that we will need a lot of support from our community if we want to win big. As we build this grassroots campaign over the next several months, we will be mobilizing our communities to put pressure on state legislators to be on the right side of history in addressing climate change, housing affordability and environmental justice by passing the largest updates to the GMA in three decades.

If you are interested in volunteering to help us ensure that these GMA updates are passed, please fill out this volunteer interest form!

To learn more about the campaign and pathways to contribute as a volunteer through organizing in your region, click this link. Whether you are brand-new to organizing or have been involved in grass-roots movements for decades, you have an important role to play in this campaign. 

Can’t volunteer time but are able to offer monetary contributions to the campaign? Click this link to donate!

Please feel free to reach out to Jamie Ptacek, Washington Can’t Wait Lead Organizer, with any questions: jamie@futurewise.org

Category Archives: News

We Need You! Volunteer with the Washington Can’t Wait Campaign

If there is anything that the wildfires this summer have taught is, it is that climate change has arrived at our doorstep in Washington and we are running out of time to take substantive action.  We believe that by making our urban areas … Continue reading

Campaign Kickoff: Washington Can’t Wait

Futurewise is launching our Washington Can’t Wait Campaign to fight for action on climate change, environmental justice and affordable housing by passing the biggest changes to the Growth Management Act in three decades. Please join us for our Campaign Kickoff on Thursday, September … Continue reading

Wonkabout Washington: Farms Under Threat

Originally published at The Urbanist On Tuesday, July 21st, Futurewise hosted Addie Candib, Pacific Northwest Regional Director of American Farmland Trust for a conversation about the threatened state of farmland in Washington. You can watch our entire conversation on the Futurewise … Continue reading

Lessons in Leadership from Mid-Size Cities

Watch a virtual panel discussion with emerging leaders from Olympia, Port Angeles and Pasco. We’re talking about housing affordability, farmland protection and what big cities can learn from their smaller neighbors. Dani Madrone (Olympia City Council) helped lead the fight for … Continue reading

Futurewise Solidarity Statement

Futurewise stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and protesters across America rising up to fight police brutality and demand health, safety, and freedom for the Black community. As our country confronts the racial injustice and violence of our … Continue reading

Winery Win: GMHB Rules in Favor of Environmental Protections

Growth Management Hearings Board concludes that the King County Wineries, Breweries, and Distilleries Ordinance violates state laws to protect the environment On March 26, 2020, the Growth Management Hearings Board (Board) granted Futurewise’s and the Friends of the Sammamish Valley’s … Continue reading

Wonkabout Washington: Intergenerational Organizing in Olympia

Lessons in Intergenerational Organizing from Olympia We’re all socially distancing here in Washington but last week we convened a group of land use leaders in Olympia for a discussion about how to successfully bridge generational divides in urbanist organizing. In … Continue reading

Transit Talk: Transit & Coronavirus

Futurewise Executive Director Alex Brennan joined national transit leaders for a moderated discussion about how the Covid-19 crisis is impacting transit and mobility. Check it out Moderator: Alex Hudson, Executive Director, Transportation Choices Coalition Panelists (see panelists bios below): Alex … Continue reading

Livable Communities Dispatch

We’re back with another Futurewise dispatch! This week we’re featuring our Livable Communities program, with Tiernan Martin, Livable Communities Manager, and Cameron Steinback, Livable Communities Coordinator. We talk about the challenges of community engagement during a pandemic and what we’re … Continue reading

Tri-Cities Dispatch

Here in Washington, we’re entering our third week of the governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order to prevent the spread of coronavirus in our communities. While everyone is stuck at home, we’re going to be sharing weekly dispatches from our … Continue reading