Comment Letters

Our comment letters provide position statements, information on legal requirements, and references to the latest science and best practices. They serve as important resources for local governments. In a typical, non-periodic update year, Futurewise writes 40-50 comment letters. For the next four years, we expect that work to triple as every county across the state works to update their comprehensive plan.

Comment Letters

Futurewise Comment Letter Re: Seattle Comprehensive Plan (June 27, 2016)

Read our comments on the most recent draft of Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan, which address issues of race and social equity, transportation and housing, growth strategy and more as informed by our expert team’s research, knowledge, and the recently released Health & Equity Assessment.

Futurewise Comment Letter Re. Seattle 2035 Comp Plan (November 20, 2015)

Futurewise sent a comment letter to the Seattle Department of Planning and Development regarding the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan Draft and the priorities we would like it to focus on.

Futurewise Comment Letter Re. Federal Way Link Extension Draft EIS (May 26, 2015)

Futurewise strongly supports the next phase of the Federal Way Link Extension. Building this kind of sophisticated, high capacity transit is a once in a century opportunity for south King County and for the central Puget Sound region.

Futurewise Comment Letter to Seattle Mayor and City Council Re: Move Seattle Transportation Levy (May 4, 2015)

Futurewise along with a coalition of eight organizations are working to ensure that the Move Seattle Transportation Levy makes the greatest possible contribution toward meeting the City’s wide-ranging and evolving transportation and equity needs.

Futurewise Letter to the City of Seattle Re: Support for Executive Order 2016-06 Equitable Community Engagement (August 15, 2016)

Futurewise supported Executive Order 2016-06, which prioritizes equitable and accessible outreach and engagement practices across city departments.

Comments for the Pacific County Board of Commissioners on the Draft Shoreline Master Program Update

Futurewise engaged with community partners on the update to the Pacific County Shoreline Master Plan, and offered comments on the final document.

Futurewise Comments on the Open Space Corridors project—phase 1

In order to protect biodiversity areas and steep slopes from harmful development, the City of Tacoma has proposed updates to the land use code to encourage growth outside critical areas and to mitigate impacts of any development near these areas.

Comments: Riparian Ecosystems, Volume 2: Management Recommendations

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife is updating their recommendations for scientifically sound management of riparian ecosystems (rivers, streams and surrounding areas). Futurewise largely supports these changes and the attached comment letter outlines our suggestions for improving them further.

Futurewise Comments on Benton County Critical Areas Ordinance

Futurewise is recommending that Benton County adopt better buffer regulations to protect water quality and fish and wildlife habitat while accommodating the needs for homeowners to protect their homes from wildfires. Futurewise is also recommending better regulations to protect people from deadly landsides.

Futurewise Comment Letter Regarding Kittitas County’s Shoreline Master Program

Futurewise supports proposed amendments to cultural resource goals, objectives, policies and regulations for Kittitas County’s Shoreline Master Program.

Futurewise Comments on Okanogan County Comprehensive Plan

Futurewise provides comments on the scope of the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Okanogan County comprehensive plan and zoning updates.

Futurewise Comments on 2019 Amendment to the Tacoma Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Code

Futurewise supports the proposed rezones and amendments that make zoning consistent with Tacoma’s comprehensive plan and fully supports the incorporation of the Affordable Housing Action Strategy into the Housing Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

Futurewise Comment Letter on Draft EIS for Pierce County Subarea Plan Revisions

Futurewise finds the Draft EIS insufficient in addressing a variety of environmental impacts related to sprawl, greenhouse gas pollution, impacts on farmlands and alignment with the Regional Growth Strategy.

Futurewise Comment Letter on Kennewick UGA Expansion

We recommend that the Board of County Commissioners deny the urban growth area (UGA) expansion since it is not needed, will adversely impact the environment, is inconsistent with Benton County’s Countywide Planning Policies, and will mean that the Benton County and Kennewick will not be able to achieve the benefits that come from compact UGAs.

Futurewise Comment Letter on Implementation of Benton County Settlement

The settlement agreement protects both rural residents and our rivers and streams from the negative impacts of growth. The County Planning Commission will consider policies to implement portions of the settlement. Futurewise submitted the attached comment letter for the County’s consideration.

Futurewise Comment Letter on Franklin County Comprehensive Plan

Futurewise’s comments on the Franklin County Comprehensive Plan 2018-2038 Update

Futurewise Comment Letter on Pasco Urban Growth Area and Comp Plan 4-21

Futurewise has been engaged in the Pasco UGA expansion and comprehensive plan for a couple of years and we have raised issues about the expansion into agricultural lands. We are asking the City of Pasco to not expand into valuable agricultural lands.